
Toilet Seat Art Museum, San Antonio

Toilet Seat Art Museum, San Antonio

Barney Smith, curator of the Toilet Seat Art Museum, posing with his collection of toilet seat creations. He now has over 1,000 pieces. Smith numbers, photographs and catalogs each seat, including the work’s particular inspiration and information about who donated the seat materials. So next time you’re in San Antonio,...

Greek Komboloi museum, Greece

Greek Komboloi museum, Greece

As someone who nearly flunked basic algebra in high school, I’m not entirely sure what it all means. So after looking that shit up on Wikipedia I have learned it is a holiday (oh yeah, are banks closed?) commemorating the mathematical constant π. Pi Day is celebrated on March 14...

Alaska’s Hammer Museum

Alaska’s Hammer Museum

Considering both emlueders and shuraiya have requested Alaska’s Hammer Museum, I will cover it again because I’m nice like that and also I’m lazy as hell (I’ve repeated museums before…don’t tell anyone, please). Who doesn’t love a gigantic hammer? I know I do. And what better way to greet visitors...

Condiment Packet Gallery

Condiment Packet Gallery

For all the fast food junkies out there, your dreams have come true in web form. Collector Chris Harne’s condiment hobby came about when he stopped buying ketchup and saved free packets at every restaurant possible, which then led to saving other condiments. And now he has an on-line Condiment...

Mr. Robbie Antonio’s house-museum in Manila, Philippines

Mr. Robbie Antonio’s house-museum in Manila, Philippines

Between check-ins on foursquare and posting selfies all over the internet, people now think the world revolves around them. But no one beats the narcissism of a Mr. Robbie Antonio. The 36-year-old real-estate developer has built a new house in Manila by renowned architect Rem Koolhaas. But that’s not what...

Odd Fellows Museum, Wisconsin

Odd Fellows Museum, Wisconsin

I don’t know how many of you are aware of the Odd Fellows but I’ve always noticed their buildings while traveling around the country. Believe it or not, they have a museum in Wisconsin (unfortunately it does not have a website or any other info source). Luckily, Matt from the...

One and Only Presidential Museum

One and Only Presidential Museum

That last post went over so well that I feel the need to redeem myself. How about something truly one of a kind? The One and Only Presidential Museum (yep, that is the actual name of the place) in Williamsburg, Ohio is the brainchild of the one and only Nick...

R-Lucky Star Ranch Farm Museum, Idaho

R-Lucky Star Ranch Farm Museum, Idaho

Have a thing for wrenches? Well, you’re in luck. Because the R-Lucky Star Ranch Farm Museum is not only lucky in name, but also contains over 3500 wrenches. Located in a former tractor shed in Marsing, Idaho, the wrenches are organized in alphabetical order by company name as well as...

Ed Clark’s Year-Round Christmas House

Ed Clark’s Year-Round Christmas House

Not wanting to repeat myself like I did yesterday, I bring you a brand new museum, typical of this blog in that it appears to be a hoarder’s dream come true. On Short Horn Street in San Antonio, Ed Clark’s Year-Round Christmas House has been a longtime holiday tradition for...

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