
Haeshindang Park, otherwise known as Penis Park, South Korea

Haeshindang Park, otherwise known as Penis Park, South Korea

As we near closer to the date of Valentine’s Day where single women over 30 are driven to near suicide with the “dinner-for-two” specials and men are forced to buy crap for their significant others that they clearly don’t need (oh, but how it makes them feel so loved), let’s...

Museo della Frutta in Turin, Italy

Museo della Frutta in Turin, Italy

At Museo della Frutta in Turin, Italy, the pomological collection by Francesco Garnier Valletti consists of thousands of varieties of apples, pears, peaches, apricots, plums, grapes…and oranges. Pomology is the study and cultivation of fruit. The museum not only has a couple of pomological collection rooms, but also reconstructions of...

Berber Museum in Marrakech

Berber Museum in Marrakech

We continue our guest submissions with a long-awaited post from Alli Burness, who documents her travels around the world visiting museums at Museum in a Bottle (you can also find her on twitter @alli_burnie). If you don’t follow Alli already, I highly recommend you do, especially if you like museums...

Mann Wildlife Learning Museum and Montgomery Zoo

Mann Wildlife Learning Museum and Montgomery Zoo

If Ted Nugent ever opens up a museum, expect it to look exactly like the Mann Wildlife Learning Museum. Purchased in 2003 by the Montgomery Zoo, the collection of 70 life-size taxidermied animals were trophy kills by world-record-holding bow and arrow hunter George Mann, who sometimes carried them on his...

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