
Devil Museum, Lithuania

Devil Museum, Lithuania

If your conscience is represented by an Angel Museum on your right shoulder, then obviously the left holds the temptation of the Devil Museum. The Žmuidzinavičius Museum (I challenge you to a Lithuanian Spelling Bee) in an obscure part of Kaunas displays over 3,000 sculptures and carvings of devils from...

Bestattungsmuseum (Undertakers’ Museum) in Vienna

Bestattungsmuseum (Undertakers’ Museum) in Vienna

For some reason I have the song “That's Your Funeral” from the musical Oliver! playing in my head. Maybe it’s because I have just read about the Bestattungsmuseum (Undertakers’ Museum) in Vienna. Located near the Schloss Belvedere in an old funeral home, the museum contains more than 600 artifacts documenting...

National Cat Day

National Cat Day

Considering it’s National Cat Day and I’m supposed to tell you about all things creepy, well, I think this is the perfect time for the cat and the rat who live for eternity behind glass in the crypt of Dublin’s Christ Church Cathedral. A cat and rat (presumably one chasing...

Natural Creeping Baby Doll as well as the Wonderful Creeping Baby Doll

Natural Creeping Baby Doll as well as the Wonderful Creeping Baby Doll

Spooky October continues with some objects from the Smithsonian, specifically the automaton collection. There is the 1871 patent model for the Natural Creeping Baby Doll as well as the Wonderful Creeping Baby Doll from a few decades later. Although these dolls are not supposed to give you the heebie jeebies,...

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Monastery in Munster, Indiana

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Monastery in Munster, Indiana

I know we’re all sick of the apocalypse jokes, but how about one more? Well, it’s not really a joke but it sounds like it should be. If you ever find yourself thinking about the Carmelites, then you should probably know on the grounds of Our Lady of Mount Carmel...

The Skull Tower in the city of Niš, Serbia

The Skull Tower in the city of Niš, Serbia

The Skull Tower in the city of Niš, Serbia is literally a tower composed of human skulls. Once 952 heads were located on all four sides in fourteen rows. In 1878, the tower was roofed over, and in 1892 a chapel was built around it: “A macabre tower 15 feet...

Saint Valentine Day

Saint Valentine Day

Every year I like to say that Saint Valentine was given red roses and candy hearts for loving Christ instead of being beaten with clubs, stoned, and beheaded for refusing to deny Christ before the Emperor Claudius. Forget weddings, overpriced greeting cards, and heart-shaped boxes of chocolate, February 14th is...

Santa Claus, Arizona

Santa Claus, Arizona

Pretty much everyone knows about Santa Claus, Indiana. I once told you about the town’s post office and museum, which has been the official headquarters for all those “Dear Santa” letters since 1914. Forget the internet! People really, really, really want a Santa Claus, IN postmark. But did you know...

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