Coffee Mug Tree, Catawba Valley Drive, west of Roanoke, Virginia.
I don’t know about you, but I have too many coffee mugs. I mean, I like coffee, but how many cups of coffee can one person drink? My mom used to travel quite a bit back in the day, and the only cheap souvenir she ever bought was a mug from the place she visited. There were literally hundreds. Luckily, many of them broke (it’s always the handle that goes first) so her coffee mug collecting came to an end (she also stopped traveling). But I still have a lot of cups from the British Virgin Islands or some random place like that. But if I ever want to get rid of them, I now have an answer. Instead of having a garage sale, all I have to do is join the Appalachian Trail hikers while carrying a box full of mugs and find this tree, which holds old coffee cups that once belonged to the backpackers themselves.