One of the many reasons why I’ll never have a baby…
Seen at France’s largest Anatomy Museum, Musée Orfila at the Université Paris Descartes. Besides the Opération de la Cesarienne (wax model of Caesarean section), you’ll find thousands of other wax anatomical models, both human and animal. Um, aren’t humans animals too? Anyway, there’s a taxidermic monkey from 1797; the brains of children, executed criminals, and people of various races; a collection of skulls from mental asylums; exhibits on the different stages of the skeleton’s growth; displays of brain malformations caused in rats; and Dr. Hannibal Lecter licking his lips after eating some dude’s liver and fava beans. Okay, that last part isn’t true – but I wouldn’t be surprised to find him in the back room or gift shop.
So watch the fuck out!