Just when you think I’ve told you about every single miniature museum in the world, I go out and find another one. Why the heck do I keep doing that?
We’ve been all over the place from the mini-Matchbox cars at the Matchbox Road Museum to the pint-sized historical scenes on display at the Jaca Citadel Military Miniatures Museum. And then there are the teeny tiny models of historic buildings at Miniatürk as well as Zarifa’s Salahova’s collection of miniature edition books in Azerbaijan. See! We have been everywhere.
But not to Lyon, where you’ll find the Musée Cinéma et Miniature, which was created by miniaturist artist Dan Ohlmann who’s been working on small-scale design for thirty years. The museum has two collections on display. Visitors can see a hundred “hyperreal” miniature scenes depicting daily life from the famous Maxim’s restaurant in Paris to a Zen temple in Japan. The other exhibit focuses on special effects techniques with over 300 original film props and artifacts. But who cares about that when it’s the small stuff people want to see. We’re talking about minuscule details no bigger than the size of your thumb or finger nail or… Whatever, I think you get it. Everything’s really little!