Fan Museum in Greenwich, England

Fan Museum in Greenwich, England

Pay a visit to the world’s only Fan Museum next time you’re in Greenwich. They have a collection of over 3,500 antique fans with some dating back 1,000 years.

Jell-O Museum, New York

There’s always room for Jell-O! Even though General Foods shut down the Jell-O factory in LeRoy, New York nearly 50 years ago, the wiggly gelatin has a home in the Jell-O Museum. It was invented here back in 1897. Did you know the first four Jell-O flavors were orange, lemon,...

Corkscrew Museums in Italy, France, United States, Canada

Apparently there’s such a thing as corkscrew collecting. One can go to several museums around the world from France and Italy to California and Vancouver. Located in Mènerbes in Southern France, Corkscrew Museum #1 has over 1500 pieces displayed, including several 17th century pieces. Owned by a local winery proprietor...

One Street Museum in Kiev, Ukraine

One of my first posts on this blog was about famous death masks from museums around the world. But what I really want to know is where I can find the largest collection of death masks in, I don’t know, the Ukraine? Well, I’m in luck. At the One Street...

Garbage Museum – CRRA Trash Museum, Connecticut

A small museum may have to shut its doors if Saint Oscar the Grouch doesn’t open his trash can full of money and save the day. For sixteen years, the Garbage Museum was supported by revenues from an adjoining recycling center that processes about 30,000 tons of recyclables a year....

Bottle Peter Museum on Denmark’s Aero Island

Bottle Peter Museum on Denmark’s Aero Island

With his first bottled ship made at the age of sixteen, Sailor Peter Jacobsen found a hobby that took over his life for the next seventy years. Several trips around the world will do that to a person. When Old Peter died in 1960 (I am assuming he is buried...

Soviet Digital Electronics Museum, Russia

I think it’s time for another online museum. We haven’t covered one since last December. Actually come to think of it…we’ve only done four. If you’d like to catch up, there’s the Condiment Packet Gallery, Adapter Museum, Digital Snow Museum (sounds nice, but I’m not that hot) and Museum of...

The list of Canada Museum

Nearly one-hundred years after the United States gained independence from the British, the Constitution Act of 1867 united three colonies into a single country called Canada. We’ve covered quite a few museums and attractions from the northernmost country in North America, so here’s a look back: The Accordion Museum in...

Paint By Number Museum

Paint By Number Museum

Believe it or not, I know a few people who are not hipsters collecting paint by numbers ironically but actually think that shit is real art (I may or may not be related to these people or live upstairs from one of them). Not to sound like an art snob,...

Yusupov Palace in Saint Petersburg, Russia

Following the Old Style Julian calendar (the Gregorian calendar was not introduced in Soviet Russia until the 14th of February 1918) today is the 98th anniversary of the murder of Rasputin. I just finished two books (and beginning a third) on Tsar Nicolas II and the Romanovs, so I have...

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