Still recovering from drinking too much over the weekend. Yeah, I know it’s WEDNESDAY but how many of you have consumed rum, champagne, whiskey, various beers and wine in less than 24 hours and lived to tell the tale? Okay, maybe a lot of you have done the same but I don’t usually drink that much. I just wrote that with a beer in my hand, by the way.
Speaking of stupid alcoholics, Dylan Thomas (not this guy but the famous poet) has a museum. But that doesn’t really interest me right now as I tend to not like the Welsh or poets. Instead I’d rather visit the real thing, specifically the alcohol at the Stockholm Museum of Wines and Spirits. I’ve never been to Sweden but I’ve heard the country is very clean and there’s a lot of vodka to be consumed. My kind of place! But unfortunately the museum’s closed for renovations until May 2012. Another reason to drink, I guess.
Besides the scent organ where you can smell 55 spices used for giving each drink its special taste, the museum also has 20,000 bottle labels, 12,000 photographs, exhibits on the history of Swedish Punsch and Vodka (oh, and don’t forget Glögg aka mulled wine) as well as a collection of drinking songs…their database now totals 9,000 entries. Here’s one called ‘Herring and Sill’:
You can give us herring
And you can give us sill
But you will still be erring
Unless you also will
Give us a glass of Akvavit
That sure smells sweet
To Swedes in heat
It gives the fish its feet
It makes the dish complete