The House of Terror isn’t the name of the latest Kardashian clothing line at Sears, it’s a museum in Budapest, Hungary. Located in the former headquarters of the Hungarian secret police, the Terror Háza Múzeum contains exhibits related to the fascist and communist regimes in 20th century Hungary. The building’s facade is topped off with cutouts of the word “terror”, which are projected onto the structure on sunny days, as a constant reminder of what Hungarians experienced for fifty years. A memorial to the many people who were detained, interrogated, tortured or killed in the building, their images line the walls of the interior. And down in the basement’s former prison cells and interrogation torture rooms, horror-movie music and other creepy sound effects play in the background. Anyone who’s been to a similar museum dedicated to this time in history knows how powerful the subject and displays can be. I recommend any visitor to Eastern Europe (as well as anyone who is too young to remember) pay a visit to this museum or one like it as soon as they can. Learn something!