The number 200 makes me think of numbers in general, which then leads to math (my least favorite school subject) and the Math Museum in New York City. But the Math Museum seems quite boring and a bit too kid friendly for my tastes. Instead why don’t we focus on something ridiculous (after all, that’s the main reason why I started this tumblr) and German (a country that has a lot of ridiculous museums)? Believe it or not, a museum exists that is specifically dedicated to beet sugar. It’s called the Zucker-Museum. It opened way back in 1904 in Berlin, Germany. In 1747, Germans discovered the presence of sugar in beet plants and by 1801, the world saw its first sugar beet factory. The eleven departments of the museum show how beet sugar influenced Berlin and the world, from the slave trade to the importance of sugar in making alcohol.
Very interesting. Who ever stops and thinks about sugar? It really does have a major impact on our lives. Okay…I can’t believe I just posted a picture of a sugar beet.